Just one week ago I heard a rumor that there were gay penguins that currently reside in the central park zoo. So I did a little research on this fabulous little bit of trivia and found a NEW YORK TIMES article that confirmed this as fact.
Central Park Zoo's gay penguins ignite debate Dinitia Smith, New York Times New York -- Roy and Silo, two chinstrap penguins at the Central Park Zoo in Manhattan, are completely devoted to each other. For nearly six years now, they have been inseparable. They exhibit what in penguin parlance is called "ecstatic behavior": That is, they entwine their necks, they vocalize to each other, they have sex. Silo and Roy are, to anthropomorphize a bit, gay penguins. When offered female companionship, they have adamantly refused it. And the females aren't interested in them, either. |
So last Monday (September 19, 2005) when I get the invitation to attend a late-night party in the Central Park Zoo with bar and food fully sponsored by Finlandia Vodka and exclusive VIP seating in the Penguin House, I knew I had to go and have a drink with my arctic, tuxedo-feathered sisters.
The party also touted dancers and drummers from Broadway's THE LION KING.. so it just sounded too fabulous for words.
I got on the phone and started calling friends.. Natalie Hill cancelled some plans to be the first to join my posse. She was later joined by the tall, statuesque, Ogilvy PR maven Havilah Clark, her handsome and charming Ecuadorian, drummer boyfriend Chris Farr, former HX Magazine art director Troy Dunham, current HX Magazine photographer Jeff Eason and Rhythm in Motion partner, Midwood HS Dean and one of my favorite gumbas, Matt Bonavita.
Well the party did not disappoint. Stunning people everywhere and what an experience to be dancing and having a blast and then looking over your shoulder and seals are swimming and splashing in a pool smack in the middle of the crowd.
Natalie and I made it through bouncer madness and entered the VIP area. I then made a bee-line for the penguin house ready to have a gay National Geographic experience. But not only did I not see any hot, gay man on man penguin action.. but the penguin house needed an air freshener. The penguins were all standing at attention, as if waiting for someone to call a meeting to order.. even without moving they were pretty hysterical.
Though the gay penguins never made themselves known, I did however, through the process of elimination, figure out who the gay penguins WEREN'T. Some of those birds had feathers all askew and a couple looked like they had shat on themselves.. and there is no way in the world a gay penguin would ever have let themselves go like that, especially when they were on display to the public.
So I had to leave the party thinking to myself "What kind of world is this that even a couple of gay penguins are being forced back into the closet." But on a positive note, I took home a huge purple Finlandia pillow that now resides on my bed next to my two yellow, kushy Bacardi Limon pillows I stole from another party. Yes I happen to love swag.. and I don't care what the brand is if I can snuggle with it.
And God bless the gay foul everywhere (you know who you are).
So I had to leave the party thinking to myself "What kind of world is this that even a couple of gay penguins are being forced back into the closet." But on a positive note, I took home a huge purple Finlandia pillow that now resides on my bed next to my two yellow, kushy Bacardi Limon pillows I stole from another party. Yes I happen to love swag.. and I don't care what the brand is if I can snuggle with it.
And God bless the gay foul everywhere (you know who you are).
just checked it out after i got your production notes.
i hope you've seen this saturday's (9/24) times metro section. there's a big article about roy and silo (the gay penguins at the central park zoo). they've split up--yes, that's right--and silo has a girlfriend. however their foster daughter, tango, is living with a woman.
you just never know!
Hey Forrest,
I enjoyed reading your blog but I must point out a huge oversight. The gay penguins Roy and Silo are very old news, so old, that, in fact the papers reported that one of them ditched the other for a female just a couple of weeks ago. How could you not have mentioned that? So much for blogs being on the cutting edge...
Dude, I didn't know how cutting edge and topical I was when I wrote this.
I wrote the article on Friday the 23rd.. and the New York Times article came out on the 24th.
So now I get to do an update about the penguin drama.. the break-up, the other women, the lesbian daughter and the rampent homosexuality throughout the penguin community at the zoo.
Who needs daytime TV???
LOL I cant wait to read about your update on the ensuing "Desperate Penguins" drama.
For the record, the POST had an item about the beaked breakup on Sept 16 (see a portion below). I love the headline!
David Kennerley
Freelance Writer
Gay City News
September 16, 2005 -- It's splitsville for New York's favorite gay penguins รข€” and one of the lover-birds has taken up with a fetching female.
Now, the Central Park Zoo is dealing with a gay-straight love triangle Jerry Springer couldn't dream up. And nobody knows who will lay claim to the pair's adopted chick.
The drama started when Silo left Roy, his mate of six years, for Scrappy, a female transplant from SeaWorld who'd never had chicks.
"Silo and Roy stopped spending as much time together or building a nest," said John Rowden, the zoo's curator of animals.
At first, Silo started...
Did I mention that your website is so funny? I never heard about the gay penguins, so that was a laugh. Do you think that there are also "F*g hag" penguins who hang out with the males and maybe go to clubs and go shopping with them?
Hope all things are well. I appreciate your keeping me on your email list and hope we can find a way to work together.
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